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Welcome to Patrick Nazombe to Open Arms Malawi

Today we welcomed one week old Patrick Nazombe. He was born on 9th September, 2013 in Mangochi district hospital. 

Sadly Patrick’s mother passed away just after he was born following a post partum haemorrhage. His father is critically ill and is cared for at home. Patrick’s Grandmother is not able to provide the round the clock care that Patrick will require as a young baby and so he has come to Open Arms for help.

Patrick weighs 3.0 kgs and  despite his mother’s HIV+ status seems healthy and active. responding to visual and audio stimuli.

Thanks to the support that we received from across the globe we will be able to give Patrick the love, care, comfort, protection, good nutrition and proper medical care he needs to grow healthy and strong.

When he is two we hope that Patrick will be able to go home to his Grandma and family in his village, and look forward to watching him grow.

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Your donation will help children in Malawi grow up healthy with the love of a family


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