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Arrival of Three New Babies at Open Arms Malawi

Last week we had the arrival of twins at our orphanage after their mother died from a heart attack. The three month old twins came from the south of Malawi where flooding has been very bad.

They had to wait for a week before suitable transport could get them out of their flooded village, and arrived with their father after a four hour journey on the back of a truck, accompanied by a Social Welfare Officer. 

The twin girls, Deborah and Dorika have five older siblings and we hope to reunite them once the girls are ready.

Twins Deborah And Dorika Arrival 300X225

Peter arrived last week in the evening from Zomba. After his mother died his grandmother found it increasingly difficult to care for him. At seven weeks old, he looked more like a new born as he had not gained weight, and weighed 2.41kg. One of the drivers connected to the hospital brought Peter’s case to the attention of the Social Welfare. His intervention may well have helped to save his life.

Peter is taking Prophlaxis for HIV, which was the underlying cause of his monther’s death, and his progress will be monitored by Matrons Eniffer and Rose.

This brings us to four admissions this year. Without your help and kind donations we would not be able to care for these children, Thank You. Why not see how you can help us?

Your donation will help children in Malawi grow up healthy with the love of a family


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