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Israel's story

Israel was welcomed to Open Arms on 6th April 2018 after he was abandoned. He was referred to Blantyre Infant Home for care as the police investigated his case. Simultaneously the District Social Welfare Department took to identifying prospective foster/adoptive parents for Israel.

baby israel

Growth and development

Our team have been caring for baby Israel and we have been regularly sharing updates of his fantastic progression. Unfortunately, it has been difficult finding foster care for Israel and so he has been with Open Arms for longer than hoped. However during his time at Open Arms the team have supported Israel as he develops into a very caring and inquisitive child. Our team have nurtured him and given him the building blocks of health, development, good nutrition and social skills that will last a life time.

He picked up words and short phrases quickly and enjoyed communicating with his friends and giving simple instructions. From his first steps to his first words, we have watched him grow and develop. At the beginning of this year he started at Open Arms Nursery School which he really enjoyed.  

Israel Case Study Pic

Knowledge and learning

Israel's language and social skills have flourished with the help of our Mums and he quickly developed a particularly strong bond with Jill who was his Open Arms carer. He thrived on the encouragement and support she gave him through his early learning and was always very eager to please her by showing off his early knowledge including his first few letters and numbers. Israel is a popular little boy who gets on with his peers and has enjoys chatting with staff.

israel growning up

In June of this year his mother or extended family were still not found, and police continue to investigate his abandonment. Additionally, Blantyre District Social Welfare Office had still not allocated any foster parents for him. 

The changes of lockdown

Israel is growing up fast and was very observant of the changes within the home through lockdown. He picked up very quickly that the usual groundsmen were not on site anymore. So, when going around the premises, he grabbed a branch of a tree and started sweeping in order to help out and keep things tidy.

A new start with a family of his own

We are delighted to announce that after being with Open Arms for over two years and four months, Israel now has a permanent family to go to through Blantyre Social Welfare Office. He can be seen in the photo getting to know his new foster Mum and both have bonded very quickly. 

Since starting to foster Israel the family has decided to officially adopt him into their family. We could not be happier for them both. He has now got the chance to grow up in a safe and secure family and have the future he deserves. The team will miss him very much but are pleased that he will now start his new life with his new family in Chiwembe, Blantyre.

Israel And New Foster Mother Case Study Pic

The importance of sponsorship

Our care for Israel was supported by a sponsorship provided by one of our supporters. This regular support is crucial at times like this as it allows us to plan for the future of children like Israel by giving a regular income to support his care.  It costs over £2,000 to support a child like Israel in our homes and a regular monthly sponsorship will contribute to this.

If you would like to learn more about how you can sponsor a child please visit

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