Welcome to our latest blogs

Welcome to our latest blogs

Your source of information and updates from Malawi and our supporters around the world.

Latest News

From seeing how our children are developing, the amazing support we get from our fundraisers to understanding the ins and out of running Open Arms, we’ve got it covered here.

Emma visits Malawi for the second time

Emma volunteered with Open Arms Infant Homes back in 2016 and this year she went out again to visit. We caught up with her to see how it went...

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Malawi Christmas Gifts

'Tis the season, well nearly! We are delighted to bring you our 2023 Christmas cards, charity gift cards and vibrant fabric gifts, which can now be purchased online!

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Community based care in Blantyre

While our infant homes help urgent cases, we often get other requests for support from extended family members who are struggling to provide for children. So, as well as our residential care services, in June we started piloting a community-based care program.

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Twice the transformation!

Three years on, it's hard to believe that these happy, healthy twins who are thriving in their family home are the same tiny, extremely vulnerable newborns that arrived at Blantyre Infant Home back in September 2020.

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Our Great North Run Heroes!

A new world record was set, a 102 year old man completed the race as the oldest finisher ever and even Olympic champion Mo Farah was there - finishing 4th in his final professional race (congrats Mo!), but OUR heroes of the day were five incredible supporters who between them raised over £5,400 for Open Arms!

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Your 2023 newsletter is out now!

This year we bring you a very special message from James Wandawanda, Chair of Open Arms Infant Homes in Malawi. Read his note below and our latest newsletter by following this link.

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