Welcome to our latest blogs

Welcome to our latest blogs

Your source of information and updates from Malawi and our supporters around the world.

Latest News

From seeing how our children are developing, the amazing support we get from our fundraisers to understanding the ins and out of running Open Arms, we’ve got it covered here.

Meet little Esthere, a recent addition to our family

Meet little Esthere, a recent addition to our family

Little Esthere, is a recent addition to our family, she has already gained two pounds (1.2 kg) after her first month with us.

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Mary Zomba comes to visit

Mary Zomba comes to visit

Mary Zomba and her Agogo (grandma) visited Open Arms with a gift of vegetables from their garden to say thank you.

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News on Osbon & Isaac Success

News on Osbon & Isaac Success

This week we had a visit from a couple of children who we continue to support now they have gone back to live with their families.

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​When Chisomo arrived at Open Arms he weighed just 1.5 Kg and his chances of survival looked very slim.

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Windmill Windup
High Spirits and Hiking on Mount Mulanje

High Spirits and Hiking on Mount Mulanje

​​What a wonderful summer of laughter and adventure we enjoyed with the students and teachers of Lancing College

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